Step-by-Step Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Installation

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Installation
1.       Right-click the Installer, and then click “Install or run program from your media”.

2.       In User Account Control windows, and then click Yes button.

3.       To create a new installation of SQL Server, select the installation option on the left, and then click “New SQL Server Stand-alone Installation or Add Features to an Existing Installation”.

4.       Setup Support Rules will run to identify problems that might occur during the installation, after the checks finished, click the OK button.

5.       On the Product Key page, select the license type of the SQL Server. Click next button.

6.       Tick the “I accept the license terms” checkbox, click Next.

7.       On the Product Update page, the setup will check for SQL product that needs to be updated, click Skip Scan if not require checking. Click next button.

8.       Then click the Install button, and then the SQL Server 2012 installation start.

9.       On the Setup Support Rules, will be identification of problems that might occur when installing SQL Server. To continue, click Next button.

10.  Choose SQL Server Feature Installation, then click the next button.

11.    Click Select All, and then specify the address of the SQL Server installation directory. To continue, click next button.

12.    After all the selected features (as needed), the Database Engine Services, Analysis Services, Reporting Services and other features, click the next button to continue.

13.   Enter the name of the instance or can also use the default instance. Click Next.

14.    In Disk Space Requirement window. Click Next.

15.    Set the Account Name for each of the SQL Server Service and Startup Method. Click Next.

16.   Select "Mixed Mode (SQL Server Athentication and Windows Authentication)". Enter the password for the SQL Server (user “sa”). Click Add Current User to add current user login as an SQL Server administrator, click next to continue.

17.   Determine the user account that will become the administrator for Analysis Services, click the   next   button.

18.  Determine the installation type for Reporting Services Configuration. Select "Install and Configure". Click the next button

19.   On Distributed Replay Controller page, specify the user account that will be given permission to Distributed Replay Controller Service, and then click next.

20.   Click next.

21.    Click next.

22.   Ensure that the test result on the Installation Configuration Rules have “Passed” value. Click next to proceed to the next page.

23.   Click Install button.

24.    Installation of SQL Server 2012 is running


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